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Sometimes using F# in existing projects isn't that hard let's take a look... #fable  #fsharp  #javascript  #node 
Hello, It's been a while since I wrote something here 😁 Last time I was writing stuff about Avalonia... #dotnet  #fsharp  #javascript  #react 
Let's spin off an electron app with the fairly new aurelia-script #aurelia  #electron  #javascript 
I'll share with you what I have found in Stencil part 2! #javascript  #stencil  #tsx  #webcomponents 
I'll tell you about my experience playing around with stencil.js #javascript  #jsx  #stencil  #webcomponents 
Would you mind taking a look at EventEmitters? #eventemitter  #javascript  #node 
I share you some of my origins as a developer as well as puting options out there #electron  #javascript  #uwp 
What if I show you a native audio player inside a vue UWP without an audio tag? #javascript  #native  #uwp  #vue 
Let me show you that you can target windows store apps as well! #angular  #aurelia  #javascript  #vue