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It is time for the FsAdvent post for this year! Let's see how's WASM faring in the F# world!... #dotnet  #fsadvent  #fsharp  #webdev 
What!? That a friend of yours was insisting that you use F# for your next project, and you just wanted to get it over with?... #aspnet  #dotnet  #fsharp  #webdev 
Today we will talk about what is the current frontend landscape of Frontend development for the F# ecosystem. #dotnet  #fsharp  #webassembly  #webdev 
Do you want to use F# for web development rather than javascript? this one is for you! #dotnet  #fsharp  #webassembly  #webdev 
If there's something that people think (or used to think) when node is mentioned it's very likely to... #fsharp  #mean  #node  #webdev